Sunday, February 27, 2011

Are Demos Necessary?

Are demos really that important? Well, they are still used on Xbox 360s and PS3s and yes, computers. But, they aren`t as popular as they used to be. Back in the day, Ìd Software`s Doom thrived on demos, because Doom was a shareware game.

Definition of Shareware- Software made available for free trial with the understanding that users will voluntarily pay a fee to the author or publisher for continued use.

Shareware was built upon this. People download the game or program, try it out, and then buy it. Freeware on the other hand, doesn`t need demos, because it is well, free and if the person downloads it and hates it, at least they didn`t pay for it.

Definition of Freeware- Any computer program or application that is available at no cost to the user.

Another thing with demos is the fact that game developers send their demos to gaming magazines and websites so they can try it out and tell the public how cool (or terrible) the game will be. Would that boost sales? Yes!

Shareware is still alive and well, and people still play demos, so I believe that they are still here for a while.
Do you think demos are still popular?